Holy heck, I've started blogging again.

Gosh, a lot has happened since I last posted here. If you look at the previous blog post, I'd just released a class on ink hatching on Skillshare. Since then, I've released a total of sixteen (16!!) classes there and rapidly became one of their Top Teachers, which means I'm in the top 1% of their total teachers. This is kind of a big deal...

When I started Skillshare in late 2016, I had a long-term plan to ramp up my teaching income to become an important part of my earning a living as a full-time artist. I am so glad I did this. I knew it would mean putting my fine art creation and sales mostly on hold until I could achieve a balance between the two worlds. The time for shifting energy and creating more balance is now (2019).

Part of this transition is to bring the writing back, both here and on my personal blog. I'm tired of lazily blurting the news on Facebook or Instagram instead of really taking the time to reflect and share more authentically what is going on. I mean, don't get me wrong, I bleddy love Instagram, but I need to do some stuff here. So, yeah, I'm blogging again. Expect to see the art side of stuff here including art business, art tips and techniques, posts about my process, posts about new work, and more.

Thank you for being here.

(Also, sign up to my newsletter for stuff. That's a thing too. It's an infrequent but quality thing that I'll be putting out a little more often than the blue moon schedule I've been using so far.)


The journey to my abstract art style


Teaching Ink Drawing Techniques on Skillshare