Jen Dixon

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Just getting underway

You may have noticed a lack of blog content here in the blog area of I'm giving it another go, as a previous version of my professional site included this more personal area in the past. I found I wasn't updating it enough, and rightly or wrongly, thanks to my brain wiring, it felt like a burden after awhile so I deleted the posts. It was great letting it go then, but I feel the time may be right to expand again.

I endeavour to post irregularly, and mostly about what I'm working on or where you can see my work. For more personal insight, do check out my decade of posts over at I also tweet as regularjen and as jendixonarts, so if you're hankering for more distraction in your day, I'll be there. (Although I have a Facebook profile and page, I loathe the experience of FB, so it's not really relevant to give you a link to a site I visit about as regularly as the dentist.)

So, yes. I'm just getting underway with my art blogging. Stay tuned. Thanks :)