Back to it

Now that the local play is done and dusted, my focus is once again returned to the huge backlog of work I have going on. I'm illustrating a children's book for a local first-time author, always painting a number of works, and wrestling a never ending mountain of completed works that need photographed, scanned, priced, and added to this website.

The amount of work I produce is massive, so massive that I consciously hold back from making all I could. I am already buried in stockpiles of drawings and paintings, and the workload of cataloguing them gets me down. I don't sell as much as I should, but that's largely down to the crippling task of getting things prepared for sale. I am my own best saboteur.

This is part of my journey as a professional artist. I'll get the hang of it one day. I managed to get six works uploaded over the weekend, and at that rate, I just might get caught up around the year 2025...


DIY Painting Drying Rack


Amateur dramatics