Long overdue revamp

I spent yesterday completely revamping this site. It's been a long time since I did any web work to this extent, and I must admit, it felt pretty good. I was having a lousy day and art was frustrating, so I thought I'd take the time to solve some issues with jendixon.com. One thing led to another, and I rapidly found myself doing the whole thing over with a new theme. It's responsive (meaning it'll look nice on your mobile devices), and I think it showcases my work in a more modern and snappy way.It's all part of the unfun "business" end of art, but necessary. I dislike marketing, but it is a necessary evil to get my work in more hands - or rather - on more walls. Let me know if you find a bug. Thank you.


Picasso at Gloss


DIY Painting Drying Rack