I am often asked what pastels I recommend.
All of them.
I’m not kidding though. I have pastels (oil and chalk) of different brands and different quality grades. They all have different personalities and in the finished work you don’t need to justify the thing that made the mark just the way you wanted it even if it was by a stationery company not a fine art supply brand. (Breathe.) It’d be like not making the dinner because the pepper you need is store brand not famous brand Sir Pepperpants Royal Spicington. Make the meal. Make the mark.
Anyway, spicy, unsolicited advice aside, I draw and paint with pastels in figurative and abstract compositions. They appear in a lot of my mixed media work too because I like the texture contrast of pairing pastels with paints on paper.
I like alliteration. Never pass up an opportunity for alliteration.
Oil and Chalk Pastels
I love working with pastels. It’s delightful to work so directly - just a stick of pigment in your fingertips.
And smudges on your my face.
Shop available works in my online store. If you see something you love, but it’s not in the shop, get in touch for availability.