I have the burden of too many ideas. And if you know something about ideas, it’s indisputable that an idea isn’t actually worth much without followthrough, so I am always trying new techniques, materials, colours, compositions, analogue, digital… I require exploration because my brain won’t give me a moment of peace.
I produce a lot, but I produce a fraction of what is in my head. My brain is kinda like a thing that has an “overheating” cut-out switch. Too many ideas overheats my head spaghetti. I’m pretty sure I’m learning to work through this hurdle. And one day, I’ll have a huge studio space that can contain all the bonkers stuff I want to try. And there will be a swing from the rafters because fun.
Oh, so here’s some random - but worthy - stuff to show you.
Other Mediums and Digital
These are my strays. The things that are worth showing you but don’t fit in the other categories well enough.
Some are just the beginning. Some are one and done.
Shop available works in my online store. If you see something you love, but it’s not in the shop, get in touch for availability.